Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where to?

It is hard when things start to change. I'm open to advice on this one, if any of the 1 or 2 people who read this have an opinion.

God asked me to commit to a ministry, so I did, and I did so whole-heartedly (sp?). But I no longer feel like it is what I'm supposed to be doing in the future. I'm having trouble discerning whether it is my own personal preferences or if God is telling me that I've played my part in this particular place. I also have to keep in mind that I committed for the duration of the school year. It has really been bothering me over the past few days, and I don't seem to be moving any closer to a resolution. So any advice or feedback would be awesome. Or prayer. That's pretty important too.


T.J. said...

I understand your circumstance and know that I'll be praying for you. Of course you know my preference, but I am not naive enough to think that my way is the best way. I'd love to chat with you about it though. The important thing is that whatever your doing, you do it for the glory of God.

Rebecca said...

God never gives us something that He thinks we can't handle. In my opinion, God asked you to commit to that ministry for a reason. What that reason is, I don't know. Perhaps He meant for you to feel challenged, knowing that you'd be a stronger person in the end. Or perhaps He called you to this ministry to do your time with it, and then He would present you with a new opportunity.

The only advice I can offer you is to honor your commitment - stick with it for the remainder of the year, and pray during that time that God will show you the next step of the path that He wants you to take. And no matter what you ultimately choose to do, I believe that you will end up where God wants you to be.

I will definitely keep you in my prayers, and I feel that T.J. said it best when he said, "The important thing is that whatever you're doing, you do it for the glory of God."

Sorry for leaving such a long comment. :)