Sunday, November 23, 2008

So, two papers down this weekend, one more to write by Tuesday. Then it's time for Thanksgiving break. I'm pretty pumped.

I'm also watching A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! I highly recommend it. I don't think I've stopped laughing yet.

Alright, this was probably too much of a break, so I'm going to go keep writing.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

This Weekend

So, I basically love Elevation Church. There's really no other way around it. Not only is the worship awesome (which is very important to me), but Pastor Steven Furtick pretty much kicks butt with every sermon. Today I kinda got schooled in the art of having the right perspective. Just because my bank account is down right now does not give me a reason to be stingy. I still have a car and a place to live (or two, school and home) and plenty of food and friends and family that love me. So there financial analysts, I am rich.

Also, this weekend was Fall Retreat with BCM, where Phud spoke and laid the biblical smackdown on everybody, so that was sweet. We learned how to be true worshipers in every situation. Like Paul and Silas in prison. They were sitting there, beaten and bruised, chained down, and they held a worship service. That's what I want my life to be. Wholly surrendered to God.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Still Alive

So, the election is over...finally. This two year process ended and I'm pretty pumped. Even though Obama won, the world will continue to turn. His lack of experience honestly scares me, however the alternative was not a whole lot better. Pretty much, I need to remember not to put my faith in the government or other people, but in God alone.

OK, that's that.

I just picked up Manchester Orchestra's new EP last weekend...And it is outstanding. But really, I didn't expect anything less from such an amazing band. And the DVD it came with is pretty sweet too. I can't wait for the new Right Away Great Captain and the new MO full length coming out next year. Andy Hull is an amazing songwriter, both lyrically and musically.

So yeah, that's about it right now. Later.